Safe Surgeries

We are proud to be a safe surgery for everyone in our community, and pledge to ensure that everyone in our community receives the quality healthcare they are entitled to.

In recognition of the barriers to healthcare access faced by people in vulnerable circumstances, we commit to protecting the human right to health.

In partnership with Doctors of the world UK, we will ensure that our practice offers a welcoming space for everyone who seeks to use our services and we will not discriminate based on race, gender, sexual orientation, immigration status or any other characteristic. We will ensure that a lack of identification, proof of address, or immigration status do not prevent patient registration.

As a member of the Safe Surgeries community, we will endeavour to support other Safe Surgeries and the development of the network.

Don’t have any documents? Don’t worry, view the Safe Surgeries Documents poster for more information.

For more information on what it means to be a Safe Surgery, please view the Safe Surgeries Welcome poster.

If you wish to register please speak to a member of staff who can help and support you with the process of registration.

You can learn more at Doctors of the world UK

Booking appointments

When contacting the practice to book an appointment, please be aware that you will be asked for information by the Medical Care Navigators. They need to know, to help them ensure that patients are seen by the most appropriate service to deal with the situation. Anything you tell them will be treated in absolute confidence.